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- on buildRecipeList letter
- global gRecipes
- allText = EMPTY
- repeat with thisRecipe in gRecipes
- if thisRecipe[#drinkName] starts letter then
- if inRecipeMode() then
- allText = allText & thisRecipe[#drinkName] & RETURN
- next repeat
- end if
- recipeInfo = createRecipe(thisRecipe[#RECID])
- allText = allText & thisRecipe[#drinkName] & RETURN & recipeInfo[#text] & RETURN & RETURN
- end if
- end repeat
- if allText = EMPTY then
- allText = "No matching recipes"
- else
- delete char -30000 of allText
- end if
- return allText
- end
- on hasRecipes letter
- global gRecipes
- repeat with thisRecipe in gRecipes
- if thisRecipe[#drinkName] starts letter then
- return 1
- end if
- end repeat
- return 0
- end
- on adjustText
- repeat with X = 1 to the number of castLibs
- repeat with Y = 1 to the number of castMembers of castLib X
- thisOne = member(Y, X)
- if thisOne.type = #text then
- thisOne.UseHypertextStyles = 0
- end if
- end repeat
- end repeat
- end
- on showSpecificHelp topicCode
- customHelpTopic(topicCode)
- end
- on findRecipeByName findRecipe, slotNum
- global gRecipes
- repeat with thisRecipe in gRecipes
- if thisRecipe[#drinkName] = findRecipe then
- recipeInfo = createRecipe(thisRecipe[#RECID])
- return integer(thisRecipe[#RECID])
- end if
- end repeat
- return 0
- end